Priority Restoration Projects
There are many opportunities for restoration within the Bear Creek corridor in southern Oregon, but prioritization is key for addressing the most pressing challenges Bear Creek faces effectively.
During the formation of the Bear Creek Restoration Initiative, numerous workshops led to the creation of a list of 10 priority restoration sites. The planning team identified these sites based on vegetation conditions in those areas, proximity to ecologically important areas like tributary junctions with Bear Creek, alignment with existing master plans, public safety benefits, and ongoing efforts and partnerships.
Going forward, these existing project pages below will be updated as restoration continues and additional priority sites continue to be added as work begins. The following active projects are based on the BCRI final report.
Ashland Ponds
Blue Heron Park
Wrights Creek
Wagner Creek
Lynn Newbry Park
Bear Creek RM 19
Planting for Success! Plant Native Species in Fall or Late Winter/Early Spring
Local restoration practitioners incorporate multiple strategies to improve water quality and stream temperature including restoring stream banks with native trees and shrubs in this area called the riparian zone.
Leafy Spurge along Bear Creek
Native to Eurasia, leafy spurge was introduced to North America in the late 1800s likely through grain imported from Russia. Today it can be found across the Great Plains and much of the western U.S, including southern Oregon.
After the fire, plant regeneration in the Bear Creek watershed
After the Fire, Plant Regeneration in the Bear Creek Watershed
Bear Creek: Spring Events!
Spend time with us at Bear Creek! Look here for a slough of events happening in the Bear Creek watershed.
Bear Creek Community Bird Survey 2022 Update
Community volunteers surveyed seven sites between Central Point and Ashland for riparian bird species.
Salmon Return to Bear Creek and Face Illegal Harvesting
Fall is a great time to get outside in our region as it is time for salmon in the Pacific Northwest to return to their natal (home) watersheds to spawn, produce the next generations, and end their individual lives while the species continues.
Tour Bear Creek: Fall Events!
Spend time with us at Bear Creek! Look here for a slough of events happening in the Bear Creek watershed.
Invasive Plant Removal Helped Improve Dean Creek Fire Access
Invasive plant species removal aides in fuels reduction.
New Interpretive Signs Along Bear Creek
New interpretive signs were installed along Bear Creek.
Planting at Blue Heron Park
Pollinator garden planting by Southern Oregon University Students.
Bear Creek Clean-up Efforts Underway
On Tuesday, April 12th, a fire at the Pacific Pride gas station in south Medford led to nearly 13,000 gallons of oil, diesel, gasoline, and kerosene spilling into the stormwater system, surrounding soil, and Bear Creek.
BCRI partners with Western Monarch Advocates.
BCRI partners with Western Monarch Advocates to design pollinator waystations in Bear Creek riparian restoration.
Bear Creek Greenway Restoration: In the News!
Bear Creek Greenway Restoration post Almeda Fire: In the News!
Snapshots of a Changing Bear Creek
Bear Creek restoration and water quality monitoring remains at the top of many agency and organization priority list’s after the Almeda Fire. Check out how BCRI-supporter - Rogue Riverkeeper - is working to help increase the health of Bear Creek.
Good Work Continues on Bear Creek
For some of us, Bear Creek is a natural resource that can often be taken for granted. It runs through many of our towns, is adjacent to businesses and homes, and has unique beauty as well as urban issues. For others, Bear Creek restoration and revitalization is at the top of the priority list!
Banner image credit: SeaRun Media