Status: Active
Project Area: 11 acres composed of the riparian corridor of 0.5 miles lower reach of Ashland Creek and approximately 0.5 miles of Bear Creek.
Project Lead: The Freshwater Trust (TFT), contact
Project Partners: City of Ashland and Lomakatsi Restoration Project.
This project exists in the footprint of the 2020 Almeda FIre and is focused on the removal of invasive plants (Himalayan blackberry, English ivy, poison hemlock). Supplemental planting with native trees and shrubs has occurred in the riparian area where the fire removed vegetation and invasive species prevented native plant growth. TFT plans to control of invasive plants for 5 years and monitor the success of the supplemental planning. Additionally, hazard tree removal occurred.
This project was made possible by funding from the City of Ashland’s new water quality trading program that supports the restoration of riparian vegetation within the Bear Creek watershed. The objective of this water quality trading program is to “grow shade to cool the stream.”
Photo credits: Rogue River Watershed Council